Gucci's Web Page

Yorkshire Terrier Yorkie  : :  Female (spayed)  : :  Young  : :  Small

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Learn more about the Yorkshire Terrier Yorkie.

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About Gucci

  • Status: Adopted!
  • Species: Dog
  • Rescue ID: 1034
  • Current Size: 10 Pounds
  • Current Age: 18 Years 11 Months (best estimate)
  • Housetrained: Yes
  • Obedience Training Needed: Needs Training
  • Grooming Needs: Moderate

Update 4.30.11 - My foster Mom says that I have come a long way and am doing wonderfully.  I am letting loose and have become more playful with other dogs and do my business outside even though I still do have some peepee accidents in the house on occasion.  We all know that is to be expected because I am a Yorkie!  I am wee-wee pad trained too.  I love going for walks and get along with my cat siblings.  I love to be held and have a good appetite.  I hardly bark, well except to tell us if someone is at the door, and I obey commands such as "no".  My foster Mom says I am doing great!  I went to the dogter and am in good health, had my teeth cleaned and I was spayed so I can no longer make puppies and honestly, I couldn' t be happier to be retired from puppy making!  My foster Mom says I would make a fantastic pet for someone loving and caring.... where art thou furever family?  Where art thou?  Put in your application at  My adoption fee is $350 which includes my dogter visits, spay, dental & vaccinations!  What a deal!

Woof Woof!  My name is Gucci and I came to the Rescue Squad with a whole bunch of other cuties like me from a place called a puppymill.  Do you know what a puppymill is?  Well if you don't know what it is, it is a real cruel, awful place but now I am safe in a foster home and am doing great!  I get along with my foster siblings and I am already learning how to go on the wee wee pads.  My foster Mommy takes me for walks which I really enjoy.  I am adjusting to being on a leash with ease.  I don't mind being cuddled and given lots of hugs and kisses.  I feel like I have missed out on these for a long time!  I am going to the dogter for a physical then need to get spayed before I can be adopted but if you are interested in adopting me, please put your application in now!  My foster Mommy says that anyone who adopts me is going to be a very lucky family... what can I say, I'm a catch!  Woof!  My adoption fee is $350 which includes my spay & medical vetting.

More about Gucci

Good with Dogs, Good with Kids

Other Pictures of Gucci (click to see larger version):

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