Boston's Web Page

Yorkshire Terrier Yorkie (short coat)  : :  Male (neutered)  : :  Young  : :  Small

Learn more about the Yorkshire Terrier Yorkie.

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About Boston

  • Status: Adopted!
  • Species: Dog
  • General Color: Silver & Tan (Yorkie colors)
  • Current Size: 12 Pounds
  • Current Age: 17 Years 5 Months (best estimate)

Update 11/1/11: I have been slowly progressing in my training while in rescue.  My foster family started calling me Buddy because they say it fits my personality.  While I am not food aggressive with dog food- I don't care much for it.  When I see human food- it's an entirely different story.  I especially love meatballs and being hand fed.   When my foster family eats, I continuously bark because all I want is to eat what they are eating.  A few times now I have growled and gone for someone's hand or if someone reaches out to him with their palm down.  Someone may have beat me in the past and my reaction is to protect myself. I am also very possessive with my toys but my foster family taught me how to play fetch.  It's a lot of fun- they use two toys so that when they throw one, I will drop the other to go get it but I am still working on mastering the drop it command.  I like to pick up anything and everything that is dropped on the floor and will only give it up for a treat.  I need a family who will continue to work with me so that I learn how to trust but also that this type of behavior is unacceptable from a dog.  House training has been a bit of a challenge for me.  For the most part I go on the training pads or outside but I have occasional accidents.  My last walk is at 11p and it has helped to keep my accidents to a minimum.  I have learned the sit command and the lay down for a treat.  I love to be brushed and to snuggle up with my foster family.  I am very playful but can get aggressive if I don't get my way whether it be wanting to be pet or go for a walk.  I can not be trusted around small children unless there is alpha dog supervision.  I need a lot of love, attention and patience to trust my surroundings.  I am such a loving beautiful dog.  Think you have what it takes to love and care for a pup like me?

Woof!  My name is Boston and I am a very active young pup who likes to get my own way.  My foster Mom says I need an Alpha owner who will work with me to learn things like to sit and wait for a treat.  If you have the time and patience to work with me and be consistent, I promise to be your best friend.  I am being groomed - just wait til you see how handsome I will look.  Please put in an application for me at  My adoption fee is $350.

More about Boston

Good with Dogs, Is Not Good with Kids